
SIMple® for Altair Activate™ provides a powerful set of easy-to-use, accurate and high performance physical and logical library for 1D modelling and simulating models inside Altair Activate™. With Thermal, Power Systems and Control Systems blocks, the library has been used in the last decade for high-fidelity industrial simulators, ruled by strict global standards of quality, and has been delivered to large and solid companies and institutes, like EDF, Petrobras, University of Itajubá, and the Brazilian Navy Research Institute. With the library, the user can build large multi-domain diagrams that deliver real time simulation with high accuracy.


  • Used for high fidelity simulators, the library provides high accuracy levels;
  • Can be integrated with Altair Activate™ signal-based blocks;
  • Steady state and transient simulations;
  • Powerful models with high level of customization by the user;
  • Vastly documented;
  • Dedicated and platform independent solver for thermal and power systems libraries;
  • Support from our specialists.


Use our models for high fidelity simulators to build your diagram

  • What if you could use the most reliable models to build your own simulations inside Altair Activate™? SIMple® models have been developed to be used under strict global standards of quality and performance and are always validated against real data operation.

Benefit from a unique and an ever-growing powerful set of models

  • Unparalleled with the current set of options available in Activate™, SIMple® already provides ready to use controllers, unique thermal blocks like compressors and turbines and the possibility to run power flow analysis. And it is just the beginning.

SIMple® libraries are fully compatible with Activate™ blocks and most native features

  • You can still use signal-based Activate™ blocks and connect them directly to SIMple® blocks. It is possible to import data and export results, build dynamical diagrams and benefit from all powerful resources provided by signal based Activate™ blocks.


Model and simulate Thermal Systems

  • SIMple® Thermal library represents an easy and friendly way to simulate thermal and hydraulic models. From gas turbines to complex power plant and pipelines, SIMple® Thermal makes your simulation both accurate and straightforward. By means of Altair Activate™ functionalities, built systems can receive inputs directly from native blocks as well as export results to scopes and other data treatment blocks within Altair Activate™. Users who value practicality and precision in their simulation will find in SIMple® Thermal the perfect fit to their projects.


Model and simulate Power Systems with transient analysis

  • SIMple® Power Systems library is a mono phase AC and DC network simulator to perform Power Flow and Electromechanical Stability analysis. It has over 10 different electrical components fully compatible with Activate™ native blocks, which allows the users to design their own custom electrical protection and control functions. SIMple® Power Systems is also capable of performing multi domain simulation integrated with the blocks from SIMple® Thermal and SIMple® Control Systems libraries.


Controllers easily built

  • Using SIMple® Control Systems library, you can design, study and simulate sophisticated control logics to your process. It provides algorithms that emulate most control function blocks of industrial controllers, including time, logical, non-linear and dynamical functions, as well as PID controllers. It is possible to build and analyze typical control techniques as feedback, feedforward, cascade and more. It has over 30 different control functions that can be integrated with blocks from SIMple® Thermal and SIMple® Power Systems libraries as well as Activate™ native blocks.


Future Releases

  • Compatibility with Altair Activate™ Modelica library;
  • Economic Analysis fully integrated with Altair Compose™ and SIMple® library;
  • Renewable energy libraries: SIMple® Wind, SIMple® Solar (includes CSP and PV);
  • Electrical Protection standard library.